Peer-Reviewed International Journals - M. Elhaddad, N. Zander, T. Bog, L. Kudela, S. Kollmannsberger, J. S. Kirschke, T. Baum, M. Ruess, E. Rank (2017). Multi-level hp-finite cell method for embedded interface problems with application in biomechanics, Int'l Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 34(4):e2951
- N. Zander, T. Bog, M. Elhaddad, R. Espinoza, H. Hu, A.F. Joly, C. Wu, P. Zerbe, A. Düster, S. Kollmannsberger, J. Parvizian, M. Ruess, D. Schillinger, E. Rank (2014). FCMLab: A Finite Cell Research Toolbox for MATLAB, Advances in Engineering Software, 74, pp. 49–63.
International Conferences - Peer-Reviewed Articles - L. Friedrich, P. Lyssakow, G. Pearce, M. Ruess, C. Bisagni, K.-U. Schröder (2016). On the Structural Design of Imperfection Sensitive Laminated Composite Shell Structures Subjected to Axial Compression, VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2016), Crete Island, Greece.
- L. Friedrich, M. Ruess, K.-U. Schröder (2016). Efficient and robust shell design of space launcher vehicle structures, 57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA SciTech, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Y. Guo, M. Ruess (2015). Isogeometric Weak Coupling of Shell Structures, 56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA SciTech, Kissimmee, FL, USA.
- S. Duckitt, Y. Guo, M. Ruess (2014). Isogeometric Modeling of Delamination of Laminated Composite Structures, 27th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, Stockholm, Sweden.
- K. Liang, M. Ruess, M. Abdalla, Z. Gürdal (2014) A New Koiter Asymptotic Analysis for Buckling-Sensitive Structures, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Environmental Testing, Braunschweig, Germany
- J. Luque, I. Papaioannou, D. Straub, M. Ruess, D.Schillinger (2013). Probabilistic model of bone structure based on CT scan data and validation of simulation results using the Finite Cell Method. Proc. 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, pp. 1–8, New York, NY, USA.
- M. Ruess, Y. Bazilevs, D. Schillinger, N. Zander, E. Rank (2012). Weakly enforced boundary conditions for the NURBS-based finite cell method. CD-ROM Proc. ECCOMAS 2012, Vienna, Austria, Eds.: Eberhardsteiner, J.; Böhm, H.J.; Rammerstorfer, F.G., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN: 978-3-9502481-9-7, pp. 1–16.
- D. Schillinger, M. Ruess, A. Düster, E. Rank (2011). Geometrically nonlinear simulation of complex structures with the hp-d Finite Cell Method, Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM) 11(1), pp. 271–272, GAMM, Graz, Austria.
- M. Ruess, Z. Yosibash, E. Rank (2011). Application of the Finite Cell Method to patient-specific femur simulations, Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM) 11(1), pp. 117–118, GAMM, Graz, Austria.
- F. Frischmann, M. Buchschmid, M. Ruess, J. Kreutz, G. Müller (2011). Numerical Models for Violins, Proc. Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DAGA), pp. 573–574, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- M. Ruess, R.P. Mundani, E. Rank (2009). Computational Steering in Dynamic Structure Simulation: An improved communication concept, Proc. IEEE Toronto Int’l Conf. - Science and Technology for Humanity, pp. 497–502, Toronto, Canada.
- J. Knezevic, M. Ruess, R.P. Mundani (2008). Computational Steering in Engineering Simulations, Proc. 20. Forum Bauinformatik. R. Windisch et al., eds., SDV Direct World, pp. 121–128, Dresden, Germany.
- P.J. Pahl, M. Ruess (2001). Eigenstates of Profiled Matrices (Keynote/Plenary Lecture), Proc. Int’l Conf. on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC), pp. 63–72, Cape Town, South Africa.
- M. Ruess, P.J. Pahl (2000). Die Bestimmung der Eigenzustände mit dem Verfahren der Inversen Matrixiteration, Proc. (CD-ROM) Int’l Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM), pp. 1–5, Weimar, Germany.
Editorial & Book chapters - J. Hanff, E. Kasparek, M. Ruess, G. Schutte (Eds.) (2000). 12. Forum Bauinformatik 2000, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Nr.163, VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf.
- M. Apel, M. Binder, A. Butz, B. Döbbeler, A. Fischersworring-Bunk, F. Klocke, S. Münstermann, U. Prahl, M. Ruess, K. Schröder, Integrative Werkstoff- und Prozesssimulation, Aachener Werkzeugmaschinen Kolloquium 2017 - book chapter, 25 pages, in press
Theses - M. Ruess (2014). Analysis-Controlled Design & Prognosis in the
Framework of Higher Order Approximation, Habilitation Thesis, Technische Universität München. - M. Ruess (2005). Eine Methode zur vollständigen Bestimmung der Eigenzustände reeller symmetrischer Profilmatrizen, PhD Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin.
- M. Ruess (1999). Die Bestimmung der Eigenzustände durch Inverse Matrixiteration, Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin.
Internationalization - M. Ruess (2007). Computational Steering for Orthopaedics. China and Germany: Educating Researchers for the Future, Presentation of German Research and Graduate Schools by DAAD, Beijing - Shanghai, China, 2007
- M. Ruess (2002). Joint Curriculum Development Technische Universität Berlin - University of Stellenbosch, Invited Talk, DAAD/HRK Conference South-North-Dialogue in Innovative Strategies in International Post-Graduate Education: Challenges, Obstacles and Best Practices. Bonn - Berlin, Germany.
Invited Talks/Seminar Talks (selection) - M. Ruess (2017). A semi-automated high-order modelling and simulation approach for in-vivo bone analyses , College of Aerospace Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China.
- M. Ruess (2016). Weakly enforced coupling constraints for isogeometric rotation-free thin shells, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Zentrale München, Germany.
- M. Ruess (2015). Development & application of improved design approaches, 3rd International Conference on Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of Composite Laminated Shell Structures, Braunschweig, Germany.
- M. Ruess (2014). Recent trends in the framework of higher order approximation methods - Durham University, UK.
- M. Ruess, Y. Guo (2014). Weak enforcement of boundary conditions and coupling constratints for thin shells – 6th Int'l Workshop on High-Order Finite Element and Isogeometric Methods, Frauenchiemsee, Germany.
- M. Ruess, A. Özcan, D. Schillinger, E. Rank (2013). A Nitsche based mortar
method for non-matching and trimmed NURBS patches – Advances in Computational Mechanics, San Diego, CA, USA. - M. Ruess (2011). High order approximation - Grundlagen & Anwendungen – Fachhochschule Kärnten, Spittal a.d. Drau, Austria, 2011.
- M. Ruess, M. Gunzburger, M. Hanke (2011). Graduate Education in CSE: Perspectives, Developments, Challenges, Results – Keynote Lecture, SIAM-CSE11-Conference, Reno, USA.
- M. Ruess, D. Schillinger, Y. Bazilevs, E. Rank (2011). The B-Spline version of the Finite Cell Method for Linear and Nonlinear Analysis of complex Structures – Isogeometric Analysis-Conference IGA2011, Austin, USA.
- M. Ruess (2009). Computational Steering for Orthopaedics – Dept. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- M. Ruess (2006). Stable and reliable solution methods for eigenvalue problems in engineering – Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- M. Ruess (2006). Objektorientierte Modellierung numerischer Berech- nungsverfahren – Kleinwalsertal, Graduiertenkolleg 615, Universität Hannover, Germany.
Popular Science Contributions - M. Ruess. Planung mit virtueller Prothese
Deutsches Ärzteblatt (German Medical Association), Jg. 107, Heft 28/29, Juli 2010 - A. Killer. Forscher simulieren Hüftgelenk-OP, um Implantate zu verbessern
Radiointerview mit Dr.-Ing. Martin Ruess und PD Dr.med. Rainer Burgkart im Deutschlandfunk (national German public broadcasting radio broadcaster), 2010. - T. Meißner. Hüftprothesen von morgen - Virtueller Test: Jedem Femur das passende Implantat, Interview mit Dr.-Ing. Martin Ruess Extracta Orthopaedica, Ausgabe 02/10 Band 3, Springer Verlag, 2010.
- Philip Wolff, M. Ruess. Informatiker und Ingenieure bauen virtuelle Prothese, Presseinformation der Technischen Universität München, 2009.
Technical Reports - M. Ruess (2005) FELiNA - Finite Elements for Linear and Nonlinear Analysis, API-Software Dokumentation. Theoretische Methoden der Bau- und Verkehrstechnik, Technische Universität Berlin.
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